Selected Projects

ISREC - Translational Cancer Research

client: Prof. Douglas Hanahan, ISREC - Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research, EPFL

This video describes one of the many approaches of translational cancer research that is being performed at ISREC. It also describes the main hallmarks of cancer and shows a hypothetical drug delivery process, by encapsulating the pharmcological payload in a nano bot.

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Crisalix - 3D Virtual Aesthetics

client: Crisalix - Virtual Aesthetics

This is a promotional and educational video describing state-of-the-art 3D breast augmentation simulation technology. Crisalix created the first web-based 3D preview technology for plastic surgery, based on the personalized physical properties of the body. Due to its unique solution available on the Web, Crisalix offers practitioners new consultation standards.

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Anatomy of the Knee Articulations

client: Dr. Stéphane Tercier, Département Médico-Chirurgical de Pédiatrie, DMCP, CHUV

This video describes the anatomy of the knee and highlights the individual elements allowing it to bend. A set of animations and images about the knee was created for the purpose of being integrated in a documentary about orthopedy for Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) in Lausanne, Switzerland.

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Diffusion and Crowding inside the Cell

client: Prof. Heinz Koeppl, Biomolecular Signaling and Control, BISON Group, ETHZ

This video shows the visualization of the simulated signal transduction process inside the cell. It focuses on individual molecules and molecular crowding as well as the global view of the cell. The simulation model has been created by the BISON Group at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ).

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The Molecular Basis of Alzheimer's Disease

client: Prof. Patrick C. Fraering, Laboratory of Molecular & Cellular Biology of Alzheimer's Disease, EPFL

This movie describes the development of Alzheimer's disease at a molecular level. It shows the very important role of the amyloid-beta peptides in the generation of deadly plaques in the brain. It is proposed by the research of professor Patrick C. Fraering who is head of the laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology of Alzheimer's Disease at the Life Science department and Brain Mind Institute of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne - EPFL.

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Computational Hemodynamics

client: Prof. Efthimios Kaxiras and Dr. Simone Melchionna, Laboratory for Multiscale Modeling of Materials, EPFL

This movie shows how medical doctors could use simulations to predict and prevent heart disesases. Hemodynamics is the study of blood flows in the human body. The simulations are based on research done at EPFL, Harvard University, Harvard Medical School and the National Research Council of Italy.

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client: Prof. Christian Doerig, Joint Research Unit INSERM-EPFL, Global Health Institute, EPFL

Malaria parasites spread in the hosts blood by means of a fascinating and complex machinery of division. A way to stop the spread of the malaria parasites is hypothesized at a molecular level.

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Astrocytes - their role in neuronal communication

client: Prof. Andrea Volterra, Department of Cell Biology and Morphology, University of Lausanne

Astrocytes have a central role in the management of neuron signals. The signalling is based on glutamate transmissions between astrocytes and neuronal synapses. It is shown the importance of the cytokine TNFalpha in this exchange. The research was done at the University of Lausanne.

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client: Prof. Stewart Cole, Laboratory of Microbial Pathogenesis, Global Health Institute, EPFL

BTZ is a novel drug jointly discovered by the Global Health Institute at EPFL that kills Tuberculosis bacteria. It attacks the building process of the cell walls of these very drug resistant bacteria.

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Computational Neuroscience

client: Prof. Henry Markram, Blue Brain Project, Brain Mind Institute, EPFL

This video shows a section of a rat brain reconstructed as a computer model. The red cell is highlighted to better show the relations of cells through dendritic connections.

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client: Prof. Nicola Harris, Laboratory of Intestinal Immunology, Global Health Institute, EPFL

Hookworms are common intestinal parasites that live by eating the red blood cells of their hosts. This animations shows a hypothesis on how the immune system fights hookworms.

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client: Prof. Didier Trono, Laboratory of Virology and Genetics, Global Health Institute, EPFL

HIV propagates from one immune cell to another by a grabbing and "hugging" process also called a dendritic one. This clip shows how the genetic material is transferred on the surface of the cell to the other.

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client: Prof. Gisou van der Goot, Van der Goot Lab, Global Health Institute, EPFL

Anthrax is a deadly disease spread by very large molecular toxins. This animation shows how the anthrax toxin penetrates and enters a cell through the cell wall.

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client: Prof. Melanie Blokesch, Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology, Global Health Institute, EPFL

This clip animation shows the Vibrio cholere suspended in water. They are responsible for the Cholera disease.

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